Grad. Project II
Graduation Project I and II constitute a 2-term studio that synthesize knowledge of the Architecture and Urban Design Program through a multidisciplinary, integrative and professional approach. The course aims to develop the students’ personal skills to enable them to provide critical responses and demonstrate independence and ability to tackle a wide range of architectural and urban design standard regular projects. Working in continuity with Graduation Project I, the main goal of this course is to expand upon the development of a complex project, dealing with inter-scale design challenges integrating urban, social, psychological, cultural, technological, ecological, creative and economic input. In the second term, the project elaborated in Graduation Project I is developed in detail moving from the preliminary design ideas to the outline project first, and afterwards to the technical project, which will comply with established technical requirements (scales from 1/500 to 1/10). Students will: define the relationship between the main concept of the project and its embodiment in physical environment; demonstrate their capacity to deliberately create space and form at different scales; clearly demonstrate an understanding of the building process showing coherence between general ideas and detail (integrate technological solutions - constructional, structural and energy - and materials); demonstrate an awareness of the performance and meaning of the resulting built environment with regard to how people will interact with it (perceive it, use it, maintain it). Synthetic results from the Graduation Project I and II will be presented to a jury made up of professors and external experts that will certify the achievement of the competences which will enable the initiation of a career in Architecture and Urban Design.