
Five-day workshop provided for ARUD students from Slovak University of Technology Professors

Nile University

The Architecture and Urban Design (ARUD) program at Nile University collaborates with the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava through a five-day workshop.

The workshop focused on “Strategy Development,” based on contextual analysis of a study area in Port Said City, to tackle decline and urban decay issues and deal with urban regeneration processes.

Accordingly, the workshop aims to engage participants in developing an urban strategy for the study area that capitalizes upon its potential and reinvests in its properties, including, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse projects, and taking into consideration environmental improvements.

Throughout the workshop, NU undergraduate students in Design VI and Grad II engaged with professionals and academics from different backgrounds to work, through an interactive process, on the “strategy development” of the different selected study areas in Port Said City.

The workshop activities included: lectures, site visits, working session, and finally panel discussions to show their projects after 5 days of hard work.