ARUD Program has been signed MOU with UNICA
It was due to the relations forged through the ERASMUS+ co-funded project IMPAQT, that Nile University has partnered with the University of Cagliari, Italy in many activities including a Winter School that was designed and implemented at Nile University in February 2020, a Summer School that was designed by UNICA and implemented online in December 2021, as well as having UNICA team members invited as guest lecturers in several courses at the Architecture and Urban Design Program (ARUD) at NU. Currently post-IMPAQT project, and after these successful collaborations, the University of Cagliari, Italy, and Nile University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that is covering a multitude of academic activities such as teaching, research and staff, and student exchange, joint Diploma, and master’s degree, Ph.D. scholarship, joint courses, summer/ winter schools, study trips, etc... This MOU will promote the interaction between NU and UNICA in mutually beneficial areas and ensure its sustainability.