
ARUD's Students Participate in the 2nd International Conference on Smart Cities 4.0

Nile University is celebrating Architecture and Urban Design ARUD first batch graduates, Shaimaa Emad, and Esraa Halawa, for their participation at the 2nd International Conference on Smart Cities 4.0 hosted by The German University in Cairo (GUC) and the German International University (GIU).

They presented a paper titled "Humanizing Smart Cities: A Preconception to a Better Life for All" co-authored by their mentors, Prof. Dina Shehayeb, Program Director ARUD, Dr. Menna Tawfik, and Instructor Mirame El Sayed. The paper focuses on presenting a comprehensive framework to ensure humanizing smart cities and reversing attention to the objective of city design which is primarily improving the quality of life for all residents. The paper was commended which reflects the caliber of ARUD at NU graduates and the quality of education and support they received.