The First Egyptian to Receive the IEEE Prestigious Scholarship
Mohamed Hany, the first Egyptian to receive the IEEE prestigious scholarship, is a sophomore student in the Electronics & Computer Engineering program at Nile University, and we are proud to announce that he received the IEEE MTT-S undergraduate/pre-graduate scholarship award (Cycle 1 - 2024).
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) grants up to 12 scholarships in two competition cycles organized in April and October to undergraduate/pre-graduate students. These scholarships aim to support students in pursuing their research interests and future careers in the field of microwaves. Additionally, travel supplement funds to the IMS conference are provided along with the grant award.
The award consists of:
Certificate of recognition.
Cash award to be used for project materials and/or stipends.
Travel supplement (up to a maximum of $1000) to attend the next IMS or an MTT-S-sponsored regional conference.