
Implementation of a fractional-order electronically reconfigurable lung impedance emulator of the human respiratory tree

Kaskouta E.
Kapoulea S.
Psychalinos C.
Elwakil A.S.

The fractional-order lung impedance model of the human respiratory tree is implemented in this paper, using Operational Transconductance Amplifiers. The employment of such active element offers electronic adjustment of the impedance characteristics in terms of both elements values and orders. As the MOS transistors in OTAs are biased in the weak inversion region, the power dissipation and the dc bias voltage of operation are also minimized. In addition, the partial fraction expansion tool has been utilized, in order to achieve reduction of the spread of the required time-constants and scaling factors. The performance of the proposed scheme has been evaluated, at post-layout level, using MOS transistors models provided by the 0.35 µm Austria Mikro Systeme technology CMOS process, and the Cadence IC design suite. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.