
Optimizing budget allocation for condition assessment of water and sewer infrastructures

Much research has focused on the development of optimal strategies for rehabilitation and replacement of water and sewer infrastructures. Condition assessment is an integral component in any asset management program for assessing the asset physical condition. Determining the condition of buried infrastructure tends to be cumbersome, costly and error-prone. As such, decision makers must balance the

Artificial Intelligence
Energy and Water
Agriculture and Crops

A system model for green manufacturing

Manufacturing systems evolution is afunction in multiple external and internal factors. With today's global awareness of environmental risks as well as the pressing needs to compete through efficiency, manufacturing systems are evolving into a new paradigm. This paper presents a system model for the new green manufacturing paradigm. The model captures various planning activities to migrate from a

Energy and Water
Software and Communications
Agriculture and Crops

Resonant square-wave clock generator for low power applications

Power reduction is the main challenge facing circuit designers in their quest to utilize the full performance of new process technologies. A major portion of the power consumed in today's systems is due to the clock generation and distribution. Resonant clocking has been a promising technique to reduce the clock power dramatically. In this paper, a novel resonant clock generator circuit is

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

A dynamic calibration scheme for on-chip process and temperature variations

A process and temperature variation calibration scheme is proposed in this paper. The proposed system uses the supply voltage and body bias to calibrate the device parameters to match those of a certain process corner that is determined by the system designer. This scheme is characterized by its ability to dynamically change the desired mapping target according to the computational load. Moreover

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

AROMA: Automatic generation of radio maps for localization systems

Current methods for building radio maps for wireless localization systems require a tedious, manual and error-prone calibration of the area of interest. Each time the layout of the environment is changed or different hardware is used, the whole process of location fingerprinting and constructing the radio map has to be repeated. The process gets more complicated in the case of localizing multiple

Artificial Intelligence
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Cooperative sensing with sequential ordered transmissions to secondary fusion center

Successful spectrum sharing in a cognitive radio network depends on the correct and quick detection of primary activity. Cooperative spectrum sensing is therefore suggested to enhance the reliability of such detection. However, it renders another significant problem of increased detection delay and traffic burden. Moreover, efficient schemes for multi-sensor data fusion should be designed. In this

Software and Communications

Practical provably secure communication for half-duplex radios

In this paper, we present a practical and provably secure two-way wireless communication scheme in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. The scheme implements a randomized scheduling and power allocation mechanism, where each legitimate node transmits in random time slots and with random transmit power. Such randomization results in ambiguity at the eavesdropper with regard to the origin of each

Software and Communications

New achievable secrecy rate regions for the two way wiretap channel

This work develops new achievable rate regions for the two way wiretap channel. In our setup, Alice and Bob wish to exchange messages securely in the presence of a passive eavesdropper Eve. In the full-duplex scenario, our achievability argument relies on allowing the two users to jointly optimize their channel prefixing distributions, such that the new channel conditions are favorable compared to

Software and Communications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

A dynamic power-aware process variation calibration scheme

In this paper, a power-aware process variation calibration scheme is proposed. The proposed calibration system provides the ability to detect and control the n- and p-type variations independently through the use of all-n and all-p ring oscillators. Calibration is then carried out through the use of the supply voltage and body bias to alter the device parameters to match those of a certain process

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Parallel feedback compensation for LDO voltage regulators

A novel low dropout (LDO) voltage regulator compensation technique is demonstrated. A parallel feedback path is used to insert a zero at approximately three times the output pole. The parallel feedback consists of passive elements only and occupies small area. The proposed technique completely eliminates the output pole at different load conditions and results in high LDO bandwidth, which achieves

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications