
HyberLoc: Providing physical layer location privacy in hybrid sensor networks

In many hybrid wireless sensor networks' applications, sensor nodes are deployed in hostile environments where trusted and un-trusted nodes co-exist. In anchor-based hybrid networks, it becomes important to allow trusted nodes to gain full access to the location information transmitted in beacon frames while, at the same time, prevent un-trusted nodes from using this information. The main

Software and Communications

Adaptive linearly constrained minimum variance beamforming for multiuser cooperative relaying using the kalman filter

In this paper, we consider a wireless communication scenario with multiple source-destination pairs communicating through several cooperative amplify-and-forward relay terminals. The relays are equipped with multiple antennas that receive the source signals and transmit them to the destination nodes. We develop two iterative relay beamforming algorithms that can be applied in real-time. In both

Software and Communications

CellSense: A probabilistic RSSI-based GSM positioning system

Context-aware applications have been gaining huge interest in the last few years. With cell phones becoming ubiquitous computing devices, cell phone localization has become an important research problem. In this paper, we present CellSense, a probabilistic RSSI-based fingerprinting location determination system for GSM phones.We discuss the challenges of implementing a probabilistic fingerprinting

Software and Communications

Hidden anchor: A lightweight approach for physical layer location privacy

In hybrid wireless sensor networks, where trusted and un-trusted nodes coexist, it becomes important to allow trusted nodes to share information, especially, location information and prevent un-trusted nodes from gaining access to this information. We focus on anchor-based localization algorithms in WSNs, where a small set of specialized nodes, that is, anchor nodes, broadcast their location to

Software and Communications

Counter based CMOS temperature sensor for low frequency applications

A simple temperature sensor in Bi-CMOS technology is proposed for applications with low frequency temperature variations in addition to a complete analysis of each block in the system. Most CMOS temperature sensors are based on the temperature characteristics of parasitic bipolar transistors. Two important factors need to be met in the design of the sensor: the first is the accuracy of the sensor

Circuit Theory and Applications

Gain-band self-clocked comparator for DC-DC converters hysteretic control

A novel digital comparator topology is presented. The proposed digital comparator cell uses transistors' ratio to program a fixed comparison level. A double-bound hysteretic control comparator, for DC-DC converters, is built using the proposed digital comparator cell. The hysteretic-band width variation, due to process effects, decreases with increased preamplifier stage gain and constitutes a

Circuit Theory and Applications

A novel variation insensitive clock distribution methodology

A new clock distribution technique is introduced in this paper. The technique avoids repeaters completely and distributes the clock directly on the passive interconnect network. The wires can be highly lossy, yet the clock is delivered with a very good shape and eye. The technique uses the characteristics of the interconnect to attenuate all frequency components equally. The resulting clock at the

Circuit Theory and Applications

Discrete event simulation tool for earthmoving fleet selection

Earthmoving operations represent a sizable work in heavy civil engineering projects. Selecting optimum fleet configuration for an earthmoving operation is a very difficult process, especially when dealing with a multi loader type and multi truck type configurations. This paper presents a framework that can be used for the selection of optimum fleet for earthmoving operations. It enables the user

Energy and Water

Throughput maximization over temporally correlated fading channels in cognitive radio networks

We consider a primary link and a secondary link, each composed of a transmitter and a receiver. The primary channel and the channel between the secondary transmitter and the primary receiver follow a first-order Markov model for channel variation over time. Under this assumption of temporal correlation and via exploiting the channel state information (CSI) feedback, we pose the cognitive power

Software and Communications

An Intelligent Geographical Information System for Vehicle Routing (IGIS-VR): A modeling framework

In Egypt, freight movement relies heavily on road transport. Commercial vehicles constitute a major segment of the vehicle population that travels the country's roads contributing to (and suffering from) daily congestion. Enhancing CV operations by minimizing their en-route travel times benefits both traffic network users as well as CV's business owners. The absence of traffic data collection