
Impact of nonzero boresight and jitter pointing errors on the performance of M-ary ASK/FSO system over Málaga (M) atmospheric turbulence

In free-space optical (FSO) communication, Distribution models such as lognormal, gamma-gamma, and k-distribution describe weak, moderate, and strong turbulence, respectively. Whereas Málaga (M) distribution is a powerful statistical model repeatedly mentioned in the literature due to its generality, Málaga (M) describes the three turbulence conditions while considering the pointing errors

Software and Communications

Active Morphing Control of Airfoil At Low Reynolds Number Using Level-Set Method

The active control of flow around an airfoil through morphing is numerically investigated. The lock-in phenomenon was predicted while using a fixed grid. Galerkin/Least-Squares Finite Element Method was used to simulate incompressible flow over an airfoil with leading edge morphing at a Reynolds number, Re = 5000, and angle of attack, α = 6°. The numerical simulation was carried out using the in

Mechanical Design

Supervised fuzzy C-means techniques to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem

Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering technique is among the most effective partitional clustering algorithms available in the literature. The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is an important industrial logistics and managerial NP-hard problem. Cluster-First Route-Second Method (CFRS) is one of the efficient techniques used to solve CVRP. In CFRS technique, customers are first divided into

Artificial Intelligence
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Decoupling the magnitude and phase in a constant phase element

The success of fractional-order fractance (FOF) as a modeling tool in (photo)bio(electro)chemical systems can be readily gauged by the large body of research work that has been conducted over the past few years in terms of materials fabrication, building integer-order emulators of their behavior, as well as applications in filter design, controller design, modeling of energy storage devices and

Circuit Theory and Applications

Design and FEA-based Methodology for a Novel 3 Parallel Soft Muscle Actuator

Recently, soft robotics represents a new era of advanced robotics systems. Based on the flexible nature of soft robots, they are more adequate to have safe interaction with humans and handle complex or delicate objects. Due to the nature of soft robotics, there is a crucial need to propose new designs, fabrication, and control systems suitable for the flexibility nature. In this research project

Mechanical Design

Optimum Scheduling of the Disinfection Process for COVID-19 in Public Places with a Case Study from Egypt, a Novel Discrete Binary Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Metaheuristic Algorithm

The aim of this paper is to introduce an improved strategy for controlling COVID-19 and other pandemic episodes as an environmental disinfection culture for public places. The scheduling aims at achieving the best utilization of the available working day-time hours, which is calculated as the total consumed disinfection times minus the total loosed transportation times. The proposed problem in

Artificial Intelligence
Software and Communications

Supply Chain Risk Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic

Business's strength arises from the strength of its supply chain. Therefore, a proper supply chain management is vital for business continuity. One of the most challenging parts of SCM is the contract negotiation, and one main aspect of the negotiation is to know the risk associated with each range of quantity agreed on. Currently Managers assess the quantity to be supplied based on a binary way

Agriculture and Crops
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Pinched hysteresis loops in non-linear resonators

This study shows that pinched hysteresis can be observed in simple non-linear resonance circuits containing a single diode that behaves as a voltage-controlled switch. Mathematical models are derived and numerically validated for both series and parallel resonator circuits. The lobe area of the pinched loop is found to increase with increased frequency and multiple pinch points are possible with

Circuit Theory and Applications

Double Exponent Fractional-Order Filters: Approximation Methods and Realization

The main goal of this work is to exploit different tools in order to approximate a general double exponent fractional-order transfer function. Through the appropriate selection of the two fractional orders of this function, different types of filters can be derived. The investigated approximation tools are either curve fitting based tools or the Padé approximation tool, and the derived

Circuit Theory and Applications

Programmable constant phase element realization with crossbar arrays

Introduction: Constant Phase Elements (CPEs) have been widely used in many applications due to the extra degree of freedom, which offers new responses and behaviors. Objectives: This paper proposes a new programmable CPE realization using resistive crossbar arrays. By programming the resistive devices, different CPEs can be obtained. Methods: The proposed realization can be approximated as a

Circuit Theory and Applications