
Dynamic Traffic Model with Optimal Gateways Placement in IP Cloud Heterogeneous CRAN

In this paper, topology design, optimal routing, and gateways placement selection algorithms are proposed in Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) with exploiting Free Space Optical (FSO) communication. The proposed network consists of two tiers; the lower tier concerns with clustering Remote Radio Heads (RRHs) based on traffic demands. The upper tier consists of transceivers along with

Software and Communications

E-learning system model for university education using uml

High quality education should be the top priority for any nation seeking prosperity. This paper aims to present a conceptual model for e-learning system for developing countries. This is achieved adopting an object-oriented approach and Unified Modeling Language (UML). The functional and dynamic views of the system are presented and explained within this framework. The functional system includes

Mechanical Design

Prediction of the Hitec Molten Salt Convective Heat Transfer Performance Using Artificial Neural Networks

Hitec molten salt is a ternary eutectic mixture salt that is used as an energy storage medium in concentrated solar power plants to improve the system performance and reduce the operational cost. Thus, the heat transfer performance represented in Nusselt number has been investigated numerically under different inlet temperature and velocity conditions with constant uniform side heat flux. Also

Mechanical Design

Prediction of Internal Flow's Characteristics around Two Cylinders in Tandem using optimal T-S fuzzy

Laminar unsteady incompressible flow past two-cylinders in tandem is investigated numerically. The vortex shedding over the cylinders' arrangement is studied at various Reynolds numbers and blockage ratios while changing the distance between the two cylinders. The output from the numerical simulations is used to feed different regression methodologies to find the optimal approach for the proposed

Mechanical Design

Learning of mobile-traffic patterns for resource management and dynamic power controlling

Recently, the topology control solutions that use static transmission power, transmission range, and link quality, might not be useful. The objective of this paper adapts the transmission power to be adjusted with external changes by applying a machine learning algorithms. We develop a traffic signature algorithm based on traffic clusters of the network sites that have the same behavior then we

Software and Communications

Fractional chaos maps with flower pollination algorithm for chaotic systems’ parameters identification

Meta-heuristic optimization algorithms are the new gate in solving most of the complicated nonlinear systems. So, improving their robustness, reliability, and convergence speed is the main target to meet the requirements of various optimization problems. In the current work, three different fractional-order chaos maps (FC-maps), which have been introduced recently, are incorporated with the

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Two-Port Network Analysis of Equal Fractional-order Wireless Power Transfer Circuit

Wireless power transfer (WPT) has been widely employed in many applications. Its advantages have added more safety and ease in various medical, industrial, and electrical applications. This paper investigates the two-port network concept in the analysis of the fractional-Order WPT circuit. A general expression for the WPT efficiency as a function of two-port network parameters is derived. It is

Circuit Theory and Applications

A Hybrid Deep Learning Based Autonomous Vehicle Navigation and Obstacles Avoidance

Technological revolution has reached all life activities starting from day planning reaching communication, entertainment, industry, and transportation. Each of previously mentioned categories get improved in a way making human life easier and safer. In the use of automatic control, several researches focused on automating vehicles’ systems to make driving easier and safer. The availability of

Mechanical Design

Merits of photocatalytic and antimicrobial applications of gamma-irradiated Co: XNi1- xFe2O4/SiO2/TiO2; X = 0.9 nanocomposite for pyridine removal and pathogenic bacteria/fungi disinfection: Implication for wastewater treatment

In this paper, we report a layer-by-layer approach for the preparation of a concentric recyclable composite (CoxNi1-xFe2O4/SiO2/TiO2; x = 0.9) designed for wastewater treatment. The prepared composite was investigated by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) supported with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy

Energy and Water

Controller Design and Optimization of Magnetic Levitation System (MAGLEV) using Particle Swarm optimization technique and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)

Magnetic Levitation System is one of practical examples which faces some nonlinearities behavior. Such systems require special types of controller parameters consideration for accurate results. In this paper, the process of tuning is to determine the system poles and getting them away from the instability region using state feedback (SF) controller methodology. The resulted controllable system

Circuit Theory and Applications
Mechanical Design