
Hierarchical proactive caching for vehicular ad hoc networks

Recently, emerging vehicular applications are increasing the demand of vehicles which form significant burdens on network backhaul and represents a cause to the quality of experience (QoE) decay of the vehicular users. Proactive caching is a promising technique to mitigate the load on core networks by caching some of the expected data items. This work proposes a hierarchical proactive caching

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Sustainability of one-dimensional nanostructures: Fabrication and industrial

[No abstract available]

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Geographic Routing with Cooperation for Reliable Paths in Device-to-Device Networks

In this paper, we introduce a novel geographic routing with cooperation scheme for 5G Device-to-Device ad hoc networks. The prime focus of our scheme (coined Cooperative Routing for Reliable Paths (CRRP)) is to enhance the routing performance in cooperative communication networks in terms of the path length and reliability. In particular, it introduces novel algorithms for cooperative relay and

Software and Communications

Self-balancing Robot Modeling and Control Using Two Degree of Freedom PID Controller

This paper represents the control of a two-wheel self-balancing robot based on the theory of controlling the inverted pendulum. This paper dividing the system modeling into two main parts. The first part is the dc motor and the second part are the whole mechanical design and its characteristics as a function in the motor speed and the torque depending on the system, creating two control closed

Mechanical Design

Design of fopid controller for a dc motor using approximation techniques

This paper introduces a study of fractional-order PID (FOPID) controller applied to a DC motor. The idea is to control the motor speed using the FOPID and compare it with the conventional PID controller. Two approximation techniques are employed to realize the FOPID, which are Matsuda and Oustaloup, each with order four. Different responses are depicted for various fractional orders. A specific

Circuit Theory and Applications
Mechanical Design

Network Coded Cooperation Receiver with Analog XOR Mapping for Enhanced BER

In this paper, we propose a novel physical layer decoding technique for Device-to-Device Network Coded Cooperation (NCC) receivers in the Two Way Relay Channel (TWRC) scenario. The proposed technique is efficiently applicable either when Channel State Information (CSI) are available at the receiver or not. It first employs XOR arithmetic analog mapping to extract a distorted version of the

Software and Communications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Cole-Cole Bio-Impedance Parameters Extraction from a Single Time-Domain Measurement

We show that the four parameters of a single-dispersion Cole-Cole bio-impedance model can be extracted from an one time-domain measurement with a fixed frequency. In particular, a periodic triangle waveform current excitation signal is injected into the biological sample under study while measuring the voltage developed across this sample in a galvanostatic measurement setup. The voltage response

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications
Agriculture and Crops

Reliable Collaborative Semi-infrastructure Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Local File Sharing

Recently, Vehicular Cloud Communication (VCC) has been gaining momentum targeting intelligent and efficient data transmission. VCC is a type of mobile ad-hoc network comprising heterogeneous vehicles sharing their resources to perform collaborative activities. In this paper, we propose a new semi-infrastructure file-browsing in order to provide Network as a service (NaaS) enabling internet

Software and Communications

Performance optimisation of a pharmaceutical production line by integrated simulation and data envelopment analysis

It seems that the use of mathematical models is not suitable for pharmaceutical production line optimisation and the use of simulation leads to better outputs and provides more flexibility than mathematical models. Therefore, in this study, a novel methodology based on the integration of simulation and data envelopment analysis is developed for performance optimisation of a pharmaceutical


Proactive Caching for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks Using the City Model

Caching at Roadside Units (RSUs) is a promising technique to alleviate the load on network backhaul in Vehicular AdHoc Networks (VANETs). It also allows us to minimize communications latency between RSUs and connected vehicles, which are interested in massive multimedia contents. This work proposes novel proactive caching schemes at RSUs for the city mobility environment. We adopt the Manhattan

Software and Communications