
Towards Mobility-Aware Proactive Caching for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

Harnessing information about the user mobility pattern and daily demand can enhance the network capability to improve the quality of experience (QoE) at Vehicular Ad- Hoc Networks (VANETs). Proactive caching, as one of the key features offered by 5G networks, has lately received much interest. However, more research is still needed to convey large-sized multimedia content including video, audio

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Hardware Optimized FPGA Implementations of High-Speed True Random Bit Generators Based on Switching-Type Chaotic Oscillators

One of the important applications of chaotic oscillators is their employment as sources of entropy for True Random Bit Generators (TRBGs). In this work, we introduce high-speed TRBGs realized on a modular Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware platform using two different switching-type chaotic oscillators. While both oscillators are autonomous, one is 3-D and the other is 4-D. This enables

Circuit Theory and Applications

Private communications method based on chua's chaotic system

In this paper a simple private communications system is proposed based on Chua's chaotic system. The system mainly consists of two synchronized chaotic circuits, the system encodes values to a message function according to the state of synchronization between the two circuits. Numerical simulations were carried out to prove the validity of the system, and spice simulations were carried out on the

Circuit Theory and Applications

A New Control Scheme for Hybrid Chaos Synchronization

This paper presents a new hybrid chaos synchronization scheme, which assures the co-existence of the full-state hybrid function projective synchronization (FSHFPS) and the inverse full-state hybrid function projective synchronization (IFSHFPS) between wide classes of three-dimensional master systems and four-dimensional slave systems. In order to show the capability of co-existence approach

Circuit Theory and Applications

Stability analysis of fractional-order Colpitts oscillators

The mathematical formulae of six topologies of fractional-order Colpitts oscillator are introduced in this paper. Half of these topologies are based on MOS transistor, and the other half is based on BJT transistor. The design procedure for all of these topologies is proposed and summarized for each one. Stability analysis is very crucial in oscillators’ design, as oscillators should have its poles

Circuit Theory and Applications

A universal floating fractional-order elements/memelements emulator

In this paper, a generalized floating emulator block is proposed using grounded elements. The proposed emulator is a universal emulator that is used to realize any floating elements such as fractional-order element (FOE) and fractional-order memelements (FOME). Different implementations for the introduced emulator are presented using different active blocks and generalized impedances. The

Circuit Theory and Applications

Cad tool for two-digit ternary functions design

Ternary number, which attracts the research attention for its high capacity, has emerged in many applications, recently. Unlike binary numbers, two bit ternary number involves 93 = 729 different functions while two bit binary number involves only 42 = 16 different possible functions. In this paper, a novel automatic software description two bits ternary functions design tool is presented

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

The economic potential of using cotton stalks to produce alternative wooden materials

The wooden industry depends heavily on logging activities which have negative impacts on the environment and a shortage of supply. The industry is starting to depend on composite boards from agricultural waste materials. Composite boards have been shown in the literature. However, some wooden applications still depend on hardwoods. Besides, most of these composite boards use synthetic formaldehyde

Energy and Water

Reconfigurable chaotic pseudo random number generator based on FPGA

This paper presents an FPGA Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) that is based on the Lorenz and Lü chaotic systems. These two systems are used to generate four different 3D chaotic attractors. One attractor is generated from Lorenz while the other three attractors are generated from Lü. The output attractor of the proposed PRNG can be reconfigured during real time operation using an efficient

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Single-Transistor Second-Order Allpass Filters

This paper presents two CMOS designs of a second-order voltage-mode allpass filters (APFs) for high-frequency applications. Each of the proposed filters is based only on a single transistor and four surrounding impedances. The first proposed allpass filter is an RL filter while the second proposed one is an RLC filter. A detailed analysis along with the parasitic effects is provided for each of

Circuit Theory and Applications