

[No abstract available]

Circuit Theory and Applications

Soft-sensing CQI feedback-based access scheme in cognitive radio networks

In this paper, an access scheme for cognitive radio networks is proposed in which secondary users (SUs) make use of the primary user(s) (PUs) channel quality feedback information. SUs decide their transmission strategy based on the PUs' channel quality indicator (CQI) feedback available in the PU network and the SUs' sensing of PUs' activity. We consider two energy sensing approaches, namely, hard

Software and Communications

Dynamics of fractional and double-humped logistic maps versus the conventional one

This paper presents the dynamic analysis of two discrete logistic chaotic maps versus the conventional map. The first map is the fractional logistic map with the extra degrees of freedom provided by the added number of variables. It has two more variables over the conventional one. The second map is the double-humped logistic map. It is a fourth-order map which increases the non-linearity over the

Circuit Theory and Applications

A Hydro-Kinematic approach for the design of compact corrugated plate interceptors for the de-oiling of produced water

A Hydro-Kinematic approach is proposed for the design of compact corrugated plate interceptors (CPIs) for the de-oiling of produced water. For a given set of design targets of a specific flow rate, maximum retention time and minimum captured oil droplet diameter, the Hydro-Kinematic approach proposes a systematic way to determine the CPI unit dimensions and operating conditions with the minimum

Energy and Water

SWIPT Using Hybrid ARQ over Time Varying Channels

We consider a class of wireless powered devices employing hybrid automatic repeat request to ensure reliable end-to-end communications over a two-state time-varying channel. A receiver, with no power source, relies on the energy transferred by a simultaneous wireless information and power transfer enabled transmitter to receive and decode information. Under the two-state channel model, information

Software and Communications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness


[No abstract available]

Circuit Theory and Applications

IoT ethics challenges and legal issues

IoT systems have different technologies such as: RIFD, NFC, 3G, 4G, and Sensors. Their function is to transfer very large sensitive and private data. There are many ethical challenges that need to be taken into consideration by individuals and companies that use this technology. Amongst the challenges is the user awareness of attack risks. This paper discusses different ethical and legal

Artificial Intelligence
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Energy-efficient cooperative cognitive relaying schemes for cognitive radio networks

We investigate a cognitive radio network in which a primary user (PU) may cooperate with a cognitive radio user (i.e., a secondary user (SU)) for transmissions of its data packets. The PU is assumed to be a buffered node operating in a time-slotted fashion where the time is partitioned into equal-length slots. We develop two schemes which involve cooperation between primary and secondary users. To

Software and Communications

Generalized double-humped logistic map-based medical image encryption

This paper presents the design of the generalized Double Humped (DH) logistic map, used for pseudo-random number key generation (PRNG). The generalized parameter added to the map provides more control on the map chaotic range. A new special map with a zooming effect of the bifurcation diagram is obtained by manipulating the generalization parameter value. The dynamic behavior of the generalized

Circuit Theory and Applications


[No abstract available]

Circuit Theory and Applications