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Circuit Theory and Applications

On the analysis of current-controlled fractional-order memristor emulator

In this paper, a current-controlled fractional-order memristor model and its emulator are proposed. The emulator is built using two second generation current conveyor (CCII) and fractional-order capacitor. It is shown that the effect of the fractional order is clearly noticeable in the circuit response. PSPICE simulations are introduced for different values of the fractional order showing

Circuit Theory and Applications

Generalized fractional logistic map encryption system based on FPGA

This paper introduces the design of a generalized fractional order logistic map suitable for pseudorandom number key generators and its application in an encryption system based on FPGA. The map is generalized through two parameters (a,b) where complete analysis of their effect on the map is detailed, which gives more control on the map chaotic regions. The vertical map and the zooming map

Circuit Theory and Applications

Three Fractional-Order-Capacitors-Based Oscillators with Controllable Phase and Frequency

This paper presents a generalization of six well-known quadrature third-order oscillators into the fractional-order domain. The generalization process involves replacement of three integer-order capacitors with fractional-order ones. The employment of fractional-order capacitors allows a complete tunability of oscillator frequency and phase. The presented oscillators are implemented with three

Circuit Theory and Applications

Generalized family of fractional-order oscillators based on single CFOA and RC network

This paper presents a generalized family of fractional-order oscillators based on single CFOA and RC network. Five RC networks are investigated with their general state matrix, and design equations. The general oscillation frequency, condition and the phase difference between the oscillatory outputs are introduced in terms of the fractional order parameters. They add extra degrees of freedom which

Circuit Theory and Applications

Chaotic systems based on jerk equation and discrete maps with scaling parameters

In the recent decades, applications of chaotic systems have flourished in various fields. Hence, there is an increasing demand on generalized, modified and novel chaotic systems. In this paper, we combine the general equation of jerk-based chaotic systems with simple scaled discrete chaotic maps. Numerical simulations of the properties of two systems, each with four control parameters, are

Circuit Theory and Applications

Low-voltage commercial super-capacitor response to periodic linear-with-time current excitation: A case study

The response of a commercial super-capacitor to an applied periodic current excitation in the form of a triangular waveform is investigated in this study. This waveform has a linear-with-time variation which enables linear charging and discharging of the device. A model consisting of a linear resistance Rs and a constant phase element is used to describe the super-capacitor impedance and

Circuit Theory and Applications

Generalized dynamic switched synchronization between combinations of fractional-order chaotic systems

This paper proposes a novel generalized switched synchronization scheme among n fractional-order chaotic systems with various operatingmodes. Digital dynamic switches and dynamic scaling factors are employed, which offermany new capabilities. Dynamic switches determine the role of each system as a master or a slave. A system can either have a fixed role throughout the simulation time (static

Circuit Theory and Applications

On a simple approach for Q-S synchronisation of chaotic dynamical systems in continuous-time

In this paper, the problem of Q-S synchronisation for arbitrary dimensional chaotic dynamical systems in continuous-time is investigated. Based on nonlinear control method, we would like to present a constructive scheme to study the Q-S synchronisation between n-dimensional master chaotic system and m-dimensional slave chaotic system in arbitrary dimension. The new derived synchronisation result

Circuit Theory and Applications

A new fractional hybrid chaos synchronisation

Over the last decades, synchronisation of chaotic systems has become an active research area and has been extensively and intensively studied due to the variety of important applications. Different types of chaos synchronisation have been presented, and many various methods and techniques for chaos synchronisation have been reported to investigate some types of chaos. In this paper, by combining

Circuit Theory and Applications