
New Trends on Modeling, Design, and Control of Chaotic Systems

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Circuit Theory and Applications

Robust control for asynchronous switched nonlinear systems with time varying delays

In this article a novel robust controller for the control of switched nonlinear systems with asynchronous switching is proposed considering state delays. The proposed approach improves the actual methodologies found in literature in which the disturbance rejection properties of these two methodologies consider a disturbance equal to zero but the proposed robust controller considers any kind of

Circuit Theory and Applications

Optimizing Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks Performance with Primary QoS Provisioning

We consider the problem of optimizing the performance of a cooperative cognitive radio user subject to constraints on the quality-of-service (QoS) of the primary user (PU). In particular, we design the probabilistic admission control parameter of the PU packets in the secondary user (SU) relaying queue and the randomized service parameter at the SU under non-work-conserving (non-WC) and WC

Software and Communications

Degrees of Freedom of the Full-Duplex Asymmetric MIMO Three-Way Channel with Unicast and Broadcast Messages

In this paper, we characterize the total degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the full-duplex asymmetric multiple-input multiple- output (MIMO) three-way channel. Each node has a separate-antenna full-duplex MIMO transceiver with a different number of antennas, where each antenna can be configured for either signal transmission or reception. We study this system under two message configurations; the first

Software and Communications

Degrees of freedom in cached MIMO relay networks with multiple base stations

The ability of physical layer relay caching to increase the degrees of freedom (DoF) of a single cell was recently illustrated. In this paper, we extend this result to the case of multiple cells in which a caching relay is shared among multiple non-cooperative base stations (BSs). In particular, we show that a large DoF gain can be achieved by exploiting the benefits of having a shared relay that

Software and Communications

Hybrid feedback-based access scheme for cognitive radio systems

In this paper, a cognitive radio system is studied in which the secondary user (SU) leverages the primary user (PU) channel quality indicator feedback (CQI) and the PU automatic repeat request (ARQ). The SU randomly accesses the PU channel with access probabilities based on its spectrum sensing outcome and the PU feedbacks. The SU's access probabilities are selected though an optimization problem

Software and Communications

LTE dynamic scheduling scheme for massive M2M and H2H communication

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) has become a generally used term owing to the concept of the Internet of Things (IOT). M2M communications have numerous areas of implementation such as medicine, transportation, environmental monitoring, and smart grids. As the field of its implementation extends, the number of M2M equipment are projected to grow proportionally in the upcoming few years. Current cellular

Software and Communications

Weighted sum degrees of freedom of the asymmetric MIMO y channel with common and private messages

This paper investigates the weighted sum degrees of freedom (DoF) of the MIMO Y channel that consists of three users, where the j-Th user is equipped with Mj antennas, and a relay equipped with N antennas. In this network, each user conveys two private messages to the other two users in addition to a common message directed to both of them. As there is no direct link between the users

Software and Communications

Dynamic proactive caching in relay networks

We investigate the performance of dynamic proactive caching in relay networks where an intermediate relay station caches content for potential future use by end users. A central base station proactively controls the cache allocation such that cached content remains fresh for consumption for a limited number of time slots called proactive service window. With uncertain user demand over multiple

Software and Communications

New hybrid synchronisation schemes based on coexistence of various types of synchronisation between master-slave hyperchaotic systems

In this paper, we present new approaches to study the co-existence of some types of synchronisation between hyperchaotic dynamical systems. The paper first analyses, based on stability theory of linear continuous-Time systems, the co-existence of the projective synchronisation (PS), the function projective synchronisation (FPS), the full state hybrid function projective synchronisation (FSHFPS)

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications
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