
Alternate relaying and the degrees of freedom of one-way cellular relay networks

In this paper, a cellular relaying network consisting of two source-destination pairs, and four decode-and-forward relays operating in half-duplex mode is considered. Each source is assisted by two relays and all nodes are equipped with N antennas. In order to compensate for the loss of capacity by a factor of half due to the half-duplex mode, an alternate transmission protocol among the two

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Performance assessment of prepared polyamide thin film composite membrane for desalination of saline groundwater at Mersa Alam-Ras Banas, Red Sea Coast, Egypt

This study aims to enhance the performance of the flat sheet thin-film composite (TFC) polyamide-polysulfone reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. Composite RO membranes with high salt rejection were fabricated by treating a porous polysulfone (PS) support sequentially with a di-amine and then with a polyfunctional acid chloride, thereby forming a thin film of polyamide (PA) on the PS support. In order

Energy and Water

A cooperative Q-learning approach for online power allocation in femtocell networks

In this paper, we address the problem of distributed interference management of cognitive femtocells that share the same frequency range with macrocells using distributed multiagent Q-learning. We formulate and solve three problems representing three different Q-learning algorithms: namely, centralized, femto-based distributed and subcarrier-based distributed power control using Q-learning (CPC-Q

Software and Communications

Low-complexity Kalman filter-based carrier frequency offset estimation and tracking for OFDM systems

In this paper, an iterative blind estimator for fractional carrier frequency offset (CFO) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is proposed. The estimator utilizes the null subcarriers transmitted at the edge of the spectrum and does not require any training. In addition, the proposed estimator does not require any prior knowledge of the frequency response of the channel

Software and Communications

On the flow anonymity problem in network coding

In this paper, we aim at protecting the privacy of the communicating parties while ensuring the authenticity of source nodes. In particular, we exploit intra-flow network coding to preserve the anonymity of communicating parties. Towards this objective, we propose an anonymity preservation scheme, namely closed group anonymity (CGA) that preserves the anonymity of the communicating parties via

Software and Communications

Demo: O'BTW - An opportunistic, similarity-based mobile recommendation system

[No abstract available]

Software and Communications

Cross-layer minimum-delay scheduling and maximum-throughput resource allocation for multiuser cognitive networks

A cognitive network is considered that consists of a base station (BS) communicating with multiple primary and secondary users. Each secondary user can access only one of the orthogonal primary channels. A model is considered in which the primary users can tolerate a certain average delay. A special case is also considered in which the primary users do not suffer from any delay. A novel cross

Software and Communications

Improved memristor-based relaxation oscillator

This paper presents an improved memristor-based relaxation oscillator which offers higher frequency and wider tunning range than the existing reactance-less oscillators. It also has the capability of operating on two positive supplies or alternatively a positive and negative supply. Furthermore, it has the advantage that it can be fully integrated on-chip providing an area-efficient solution. On

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Improved spectrum mobility using virtual reservation in collaborative cognitive radio networks

Cognitive radio technology would enable a set of secondary users (SU) to opportunistically use the spectrum licensed to a primary user (PU). On the appearance of this PU on a specific frequency band, any SU occupying this band should free it for PUs. Typically, SUs may collaborate to reduce the impact of cognitive users on the primary network and to improve the performance of the SUs. In this

Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

The deterministic multicast capacity of 4-node relay networks

In this paper, we completely characterize the deterministic capacity region of a four-node relay network with no direct links between the nodes, where each node communicates with the three other nodes via a relay. Towards this end, we develop an upper bound on the deterministic capacity region, based on the notion of a one-sided genie. To establish achievability, we use the detour schemes that

Software and Communications
Agriculture and Crops