
Basis for Design - Drawing / Modelling

The aim of this course is to approach to the basis needed for design, as the sense of proportion and relations, measuring, technical drawing and modelling and, at the same time, to awake a certain awareness, comprehension and sensibility of the surrounding built reality.
The final aim is to promote and develop the capacity for critical observation and analysis, the capacity for synthesis and spatial understanding.
Design of basic spatial structures – market stalls – shelters.

Course ID
ARUD 001
Credit Hours

1. Develop the sense of space and cognitive expression through narratives and drawings.
2. Understand the design implications of ergonomics and accessibility on spatial dimension, proportion, circulation.
3. Understand the relation between the different methods of spatial transformation and represent them through graphical techniques and sculptural compositions.
4.Realize and comprehend fundamental spatial attributes such as measurements,
proportions, form, relation and order
5.Recognize the space qualities of light and its phenomena as a key element of design.
6.Promote interactive, autonomous and diversified learning in reference to understanding
architectural complexity
7.Represent conceptual ideas through form articulation.
8.Conceive, analyze, articulate, and present design ideas through graphic techniques.

9.Comprehend and follow a structured methodology for developing their ideas on non complex projects going through the phases of concept, drawings and modelling.
10. Propose initial questions that reflect deep and symbolic ideas to guide their designs of
architectural form and space-making.
11.Formulate a critical reflection on others work.