
Design Studio VI

Main topic: Urban Regeneration and Adaptive Building Re-use
UD - Urban Regeneration of mid-scale sites, through selective urban renewal and infill interventions mixed with upgrading and rehabilitation in central or peripheral areas (downtown, waterfront, etc) defying the typical “clean slate” approach. Urban proposals that balance contemporary needs and future aspirations for social, cultural and economic evolution on the one hand with heritage conservation of architectonic, cultural lifestyles, historic and social values on the other.

Arch - Project of building adaptive re-use through new programs that retrofit their spatial, functional and material configuration; incorporating existing valuable elements into a hybrid project that introduces, revives and conserves living heritage with future needs and wants. The studio will guide in implementation of rehabilitation techniques and efficient retrofitting of structural and construction systems, natural and artificial performance of buildings (thermal, acoustic and lighting), use of traditional and modern materials.

Course ID
ARUD 306
Credit Hours

1. Analyze critically a consolidate urban area in order to devise Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
2. Set urban guidelines for the social, ecological, economic and physical improvement of the area
3. Define a number of specific interventions at the intermediate scale that join buildings, public space and different programs.
4. Proposal capacity - defining a synthetic design (urban intervention) responding to the existing situation, defining the brief and designing volumes and public spaces…
5. Design a project in detail, integrating acquired technical knowledge (construction, structure, building physics) in building and public space design
6. Precision in the elaboration of documents that represent objects and spaces, and thoroughness in the presentation of ideas, processes and proposals.