Visual II
The aim of this course is to explore drawing as a tool of communication through exercises that explore observation and perception, form and proportion, representation, analysis and diagramming using a variety of materials and Media. An introduction to both drawings techniques of technical drawings whether manual or digital. On one hand the freehand drawing technique focusing on the delineation of interior and exterior spaces, starting with drawing from observation to speculative drawings, including the study of light conditions. It provides the student with the knowledge, skills and aptitude required to use a range of fundamental architectural sketching and drawing skills based on observation of the physical world, in particular the built world. On the other hand, the digital graphic communication tools and techniques in architecture. Where students learn to use digital representation tools. They acquire representation techniques of space and form in 2D and 3D using digital modeling, visual analysis, different simulations. The course covers complex intersection of volumes. In parallel, students continue their exploration of freehand representation of form, space, urban scenery and landscape in order tomaintain the shift between both worlds the manual and digital of design thinking and representation.
1. Understanding of different architecture visualization approaches.
2. understanding of the different perspective views and isometric drawings.
3. Sketch manual drawings using different perspective views.
4. Understanding of urban and architectural analysis utilizing manual and digital techniques.
5. Utilize the digital tools for visualization and presentation.
6. Utilize 3d digital software for architecture modeling.
7. Extract 3d and 2d drawings using the modeling tools.
8. Practice on architectural drawings and element visualization.
9. Study the importance of the visualization logic and process.
10. Understanding the layout design regulations and the poster organization.
11. Study the informative illustration and the architecture diagrams.
12. Understanding the digital fabrication strategies, machines and process.