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Arithmetic optimization approach for parameters identification of different PV diode models with FOPI-MPPT
The Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) provides the most efficient use of a Photo-voltaic system independent of irradiance or temperature fluctuations. This paper introduces the modeling and control of a photo-voltaic system operating at MPPT using the arithmetic optimization algorithm (AOA). The single and double Photo-voltaic models are investigated. Their optimal unknown parameters are

Modelling and Analysis the Population Density Effect on the Infectiousness Rate of COVID-19 Novel Virus and the Mortality Rate Percentage Regarding Oxford’s Stringency Index Model of Governmental Response in MATLAB
Numerical data on fifty pioneer adopting countries of Covid-19 novel pandemic has been put into study each on their first month of the virus’s spread. Ten groups were created with each including the countries of around the same average population density. This was meant to study the difference between each group’s growth of infected cases in addition to their mortality percentage rates (MPR)
Evaluation of Different Sudan Dyes in Egyptian Food Samples Utilizing Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
A sensitive and a precise method was developed for the quantification of different Sudan dyes in some Egyptian food samples. They were analyzed utilizing two-fragment ion transition under multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Separation was carried out on Kinetex 2.6u C18 100 A (75 mm × 4.6 mm) phenomenex using isocratic elution with 10:90% water and acetonitrile containing 2.0 mmol/L ammonium

Optimal fractional-order PI with DC-DC converter and PV system
This paper presents a design and analysis for the PV system with a DC-DC boost converter controlled by the Fractional Order PI controller (FOPI). The study includes obtaining the optimal parameters for the PV model and the operating parameters for the FOPI controller. The first part's objective function is to search a five-parameter model based on the data-sheet given by commercial PV modules for

α -order universal filter realization based on single input multi-output differential voltage current conveyor
Two voltage-mode topologies single input multi-output universal fractional filters with high input impedance are proposed. The proposed analog filters consist of three DVCC+ blocks, two grounded capacitors and two resistors targeting the minimum passive elements. The proposed topologies provide a realization for all standard fractional filter functions (HP, LP, BP, AP and notch filter). The effect

3PCNNB-Net: Three Parallel CNN Branches for Breast Cancer Classification Through Histopathological Images
Purpose: Diagnosis of breast tumors using histopathological imaging is considered a difficult task. Oncologists may have different opinions on how to use this imaging technique to diagnose tumors. This technique requires classification experience owing to the contrasting appearance caused by tissue preparation, staining processes, and disease heterogeneity. Cancerous breast tissues are classified

Numerical solution to a 2D-problem of piezo-thermoelasticity in a quarter-space within the dual-phase-lag model
We present a numerical solution by finite differences to a linear, plane, initial-boundary-value problem of thermo-piezoelasticity in a quarter-space, within the dual-phase-lag model. Motion is excited by a one-period heat regime applied to one boundary of the medium. The relation between the two relaxation times is clarified in order to obtain wave-like solutions. An explicit, three-level
Modeling and characterization of carrier mobility for truncated conical quantum dot infrared photodetectors
In the present paper, a theoretical model for calculating the carrier mobility which is a result of the existence of a truncated conical quantum dots of n-type quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) is developed. This model is built on solving Boltzmann’s transport equation that is a complex integro-differential equation describing the carrier transport. The time-domain finite-difference

A Stochastic Modeling of the Gain in Waveguide Avalanche Photodetectors (WG-APDs)
Waveguide photodetectors are considered as a promising candidate for high speed photodetection where the tradeoff between the transit time bandwidth and the quantum efficiency is overcome as the incident optical signal and the photogenerated carriers move in perpendicular directions. In WG-Avalanche Photodetectors (WG-APDs), the avalanche multiplication gain enhances the photocurrent of the

Magnetic field effect on piezo-thermoelastic wave propagation in a half-space within dual-phase-lag
The current work is concerned with the study of wave propagation in a half-space of a piezo-thermoelastic material under a bias tangential magnetic field within dual-phase-lag (DPL). This is relevant to the design and performance of piezoelectric devices working under a bias magnetic field, for example, the DC magnetic field piezoelectric sensors widely used in various areas of technology. The