
Ultrasonic characterization of expanded polystyrene used for shallow tunnels under seismic excitation

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is used as an inclusion to mitigate stresses acting on tunnels. In this study, the efficiency of utilizing EPS in reducing dynamic loads acting on shallow tunnels was studied. To gauge this, dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ed) and shear modulus (G) of EPS with densities equal to 25, 30, and 35 kg/m3 were characterized based on series of ultrasonic tests, where Ed ranged

Energy and Water

Graph transformer for communities detection in social networks

Graphs are used in various disciplines such as telecommunication, biological networks, as well as social networks. In large-scale networks, it is challenging to detect the communities by learning the distinct properties of the graph. As deep learning has made contributions in a variety of domains, we try to use deep learning techniques to mine the knowledge from large-scale graph networks. In this

Artificial Intelligence
Software and Communications

A 3D Multiple-Slip Crystal-Plasticity Model for Precipitate Hardening in Additively Manufactured High Strength Steels

Additive Manufacturing (AM) revolutionized the manufacturing of complex geometry products, especially in medical and aerospace fields. High-strength precipitate hardened (PH) stainless steels provide unique properties in term of strength and corrosion resistance for critical applications in both fields. In the current study, a 3D multiple-slip crystal-plasticity dislocation densities-based model

Energy and Water

Engineered magnetic oxides nanoparticles as efficient sorbents for wastewater remediation: a review

The rapid urbanization and industrialization is causing worldwide water pollution, calling for advanced cleaning methods. For instance, pollutant adsorption on magnetic oxides is efficient and very practical due to the easy separation from solutions by an magnetic field. Here we review the synthesis and performance of magnetic oxides such as iron oxides, spinel ferrites, and perovskite oxides for

Energy and Water

Simple implementations of fractional-order driving-point impedances: Application to biological tissue models

A novel procedure for the circuit implementation of the driving-point impedance of frequency-domain material models, constructed from fractional-order elements of arbitrary type and order, is introduced in this work. Following this newly introduced concept, instead of emulating separately each fractional-order element in the model under consideration, the direct emulation of the complete model can

Circuit Theory and Applications

A Grunwald–Letnikov based Manta ray foraging optimizer for global optimization and image segmentation

This paper presents a modified version of Manta ray foraging optimizer (MRFO) algorithm to deal with global optimization and multilevel image segmentation problems. MRFO is a meta-heuristic technique that simulates the behaviors of manta rays to find the food. MRFO established its ability to find a suitable solution for a variant of optimization problems. However, by analyzing its behaviors during

Artificial Intelligence
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications

Optimized Preliminary Design of a Multistage Low-Speed Axial FLow Compressor

This paper proposes a technique based on a MAT-LAB code capable of getting an optimized preliminary design of an efficient low-speed compressor qualified for laboratory experiments with relatively low cost. The code was made to design five repeated compressor stages on two steps conducted iteratively, namely 'mean line and radial design' to determine the optimum compressor geometry and then the

Mechanical Design
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Molecular identification of extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs)-producing strains in clinical specimens from Tiruchirappalli, India

Worldwide, the phenomenal antimicrobial resistance with its consequences of fatal diseases has been alerted; it is because the morbidity and mortality at a shocking rate. Therefore, there is an urgent quest of innovative antimicrobials agents; it is that communicable disease is a worldwide trouble as of the growth and wideness of drug-resistant pathogens. As for the aim of the research, it is


Optimum distribution of protective materials for COVID−19 with a discrete binary gaining-sharing knowledge-based optimization algorithm

Many application problems are formulated as nonlinear binary programming models which are hard to be solved using exact algorithms especially in large dimensions. One of these practical applications is to optimally distribute protective materials for the newly emerged COVID-19. It is defined for a decision-maker who wants to choose a subset of candidate hospitals comprising the maximization of the

Artificial Intelligence
Software and Communications

Optimum Location of Field Hospitals for COVID-19: A Nonlinear Binary Metaheuristic Algorithm

Determining the optimum location of facilities is critical in many fields, particularly in healthcare. This study proposes the application of a suitable location model for field hospitals during the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The used model is the most appropriate among the threemost common locationmodels utilized to solve healthcare problems (the set covering model, the maximal

Artificial Intelligence
Software and Communications