
Energy Harvesting Schemes for Wearable Devices

For the specifications of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), eHealth systems, and wearable devices, batteries are not desirable. They maximize the sensor nodes’ size and need to be replaced every few years through human interference. Energy harvesting is now being studied as the primary source of electricity for wearable devices. Several initiatives have succeeded in using energy harvesting to

Circuit Theory and Applications

Numerical solution to a 2D-problem of piezo-thermoelasticity in a quarter-space within the dual-phase-lag model

We present a numerical solution by finite differences to a linear, plane, initial-boundary-value problem of thermo-piezoelasticity in a quarter-space, within the dual-phase-lag model. Motion is excited by a one-period heat regime applied to one boundary of the medium. The relation between the two relaxation times is clarified in order to obtain wave-like solutions. An explicit, three-level

Mechanical Design

Analytical solution for nonlinear interaction of euler beam resting on a tensionless soil

The nonlinear interaction between an elastic Euler beam and a tensionless soil foundation is studied. Exact analytical solutions of the challenging problem are rather complicated. The basic obstacle is imposing compatibility conditions at lift-off points. These points are determined as a part of the solution although being needed to get the solution itself. In the current work, solutions are

Energy and Water
Mechanical Design

Analytic and numeric analysis for deformation of non-prismatic beams resting on elastic foundations

Background: The buckling load as well as the natural frequency under axial load for non-prismatic beam is a changeling problem. Determination of buckling load, natural frequency, and elastic deflection is very important in civil applications. The current paper used both perturbation method (PM), analytic method, and differential quadrature method (DQM), numerical method, to find buckling load and

Energy and Water
Software and Communications
Mechanical Design

Gaining-Sharing Knowledge Based Algorithm with Adaptive Parameters for Engineering Optimization

As optimization algorithms have a great power to solve nonlinear, complex, and hard optimization problems, nature-inspired algorithms have been applied extensively in distinct fields in order to solve real life optimization cases. In this paper, modifications for the recently proposed Gaining-Sharing-Knowledge based algorithm (GSK) are presented for enhancing its performance. Gaining-Sharing

Software and Communications

Engineered nanomaterials as fighters against SARS-CoV-2: The way to control and treat pandemics

In this editorial trend, we aim to collect and present recently available data about the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 virus, severity, infection, replication, diagnosis, and current medications. In addition, we propose the role of nanomaterials in controlling and treating COVID-19 through their antiviral and antibacterial potential with suggested action mechanisms indicating the capability of

Energy and Water

Highlighting a Common Confusion in the Computation of Capacitance of Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices

[No abstract available]

Energy and Water
Circuit Theory and Applications

Simulation of Water Wave Interaction with Large Submerged Square Obstacles

Water waves propagation over submerged obstacles is considered. The problem serves as an efficient model for modeling breakwaters. A numerical wave tank is developed to simulate the induced flow field. The model is based on multiphase viscous flow assumptions. Computations are performed adopting clustered grids and suitable initial and boundary conditions. The results are verified using the flow

Energy and Water
Mechanical Design

Experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of wrapped and wound fiber and metal/fiber reinforced composite pipes

This paper experimentally investigates the effect of the manufacturing method and metal reinforcement option on the natural frequency and damping behavior of five polymer and Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite pipes. The five pipes are made of polymer, roll-wrapped woven glass FRP, metal-reinforced roll-wrapped woven glass FRP, filament-wound glass FRP, and metal reinforced filament-wound-up

Energy and Water
Mechanical Design

MoS2-based nanocomposites: synthesis, structure, and applications in water remediation and energy storage: a review

The world is currently facing critical water and energy issues due to the growing population and industrialization, calling for methods to obtain potable water, e.g., by photocatalysis, and to convert solar energy into fuels such as chemical or electrical energy, then storing this energy. Energy storage has been recently improved by using electrochemical capacitors and ion batteries. Research is

Energy and Water