
Modelling and implementation of soft bio-mimetic turtle using echo state network and soft pneumatic actuators

Advances of soft robotics enabled better mimicking of biological creatures and closer realization of animals’ motion in the robotics field. The biological creature’s movement has morphology and flexibility that is problematic deportation to a bio-inspired robot. This paper aims to study the ability to mimic turtle motion using a soft pneumatic actuator (SPA) as a turtle flipper limb. SPA’s

Circuit Theory and Applications
Mechanical Design

Fabrication of bio-plastic composite pellets from agricultural waste and food waste

This study aims to produce starch bioplastic pellets from food waste such as potato peels. Measuring the ease of flow of the melt is crucial for producing these pellets. The melt flow index (MFI) is measured in this study to evaluate the consistency of the produced pellets and determine the extent of degradation of the plastic because of molding. This study investigates the effect of adding

Agriculture and Crops
Mechanical Design

Design of low-voltage FO-[PD] controller for motion systems

Fractional-order controllers have gained significant research interest in various practical applications due to the additional degrees of freedom offered in their tuning process. The main contribution of this work is the analog implementation, for the first time in the literature, of a fractional-order controller with a transfer function that is not directly constructed from terms of the

Circuit Theory and Applications
Mechanical Design

Fractional derivative modeling of double-diffusive free convection with von Neumann stability analysis

This paper focuses on the problem of fractional time derivative of fluid flow and convective heat and mass transfer from a heated semi-infinite wall immersed. We provided two cases of study, one is free convective heat transfer and the other is a free double-convective heat and mass transfer. The time-derivative terms in the equations of momentum, energy and concentration are assumed to be

Circuit Theory and Applications
Mechanical Design

A logarithmic formulation for anisotropic behavior characterization of bovine cortical bone tissue in long bones undergoing uniaxial compression at different speeds

The mechanical properties of bone tissues change significantly within the bone body, since it is considered as a heterogeneous material. The characterization of bone mechanical properties is necessary for many studies, such as in prosthesis design. An experimental uniaxial compression study is carried out in this work on bovine cortical bone tissue in long bones (femur and tibia) at several speeds

Mechanical Design

Effect of thickness and temperature on flexible organic P3HT:PCBM solar cell performance

A blend of poly 3-hexylthiophene (P3HT) and [6, 6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) is used as a photoactive layer for simulating a bulk heterojunction organic solar using general-purpose photovoltaic device model (GPVDM) software. The optical and electrical performance of the cell had been analyzed by changing the thickness of each layer and substrate material over a range of operating

Software and Communications
Mechanical Design

Enhancing barrier properties of chitosan extracted from shrimp shells as a sustainable material for active packaging using natural wastes

Due to the environmental concerns, much responsiveness has been paid to natural polymers and recycle wastes. Disposal of wastes like marine wastes and domestic wastes end up in landfills and open areas which cause environmental crisis. The development of biodegradable active packaging materials is one of the alternatives to reduce the using of synthetic petroleum-based plastics. Biodegradable

Mechanical Design

Geospatial analysis of wetlands based on land use/land cover dynamics using remote sensing and GIS in Sindh, Pakistan

In this study, the Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) change has been observed in wetlands comprises of Manchar Lake, Keenjhar Lake, and Chotiari Reservoir in Pakistan over the last four decades from 1972 to 2020. Each wetland has been categorized into four LULC classes; water, natural vegetation, agriculture land, and dry land. Multitemporal Landsat satellite data including; Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS)

Agriculture and Crops

Stabilized variational formulation of an oldroyd-B fluid flow equations on a Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) architecture

The governing equations of the flow of an oldroyd-B fluid are discretized using the finite element method. To overcome the convective nature of the momentum equation, the Galerkin/Least-Squares Finite Element Method (GLS/FEM) is used while the Discrete Elastic–Viscous Stress-Splitting (DEVSS) method is used to overcome the instability due to the absence of diffusion in the constitutive equations

Mechanical Design

The Effect of Different Design and Operational Parameters on the Performance of Can-Type Combustors

Numerical simulation of the non-premixed combustion of methane air mixture in a gas turbine can- type swirl combustor is conducted. The study objective is to examine the effect of different design and operational parameters on the combustor performance and its emissions. The investigated parameters are the primary air flow rate, the swirl ratio between the secondary and the primary air and the

Mechanical Design