

Advanced CommunicaIon Systems

The course focus on advanced communication systems including the evolution of mobile communication systems from 1G to 4G and beyond, radar systems fundamentals, satellite communication systems. The design of radio networks including link budgets, propagation path losses and transmider and receiver parameters. Advanced communication technologies such as Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing

Advanced Computer Architecture

This course examines computer design trade-offs. The topics covered include: advanced processor designs, such as superscalar and out-of-order execution, advanced memory systems, such as non-blocking caches, and multiporting/banking and alternative virtual memory implementations, I/O systems, interconnects, introduction to multiprocessor architectures, performance and cost metrics, and benchmarking

Analog and Digital Electronics Lab

Lab activities that reinforce and support the theory covered in ECEN 311 and ECEN 312 course. Design, implementation, and measurement of analog and digital electronic systems. Design of an integrated complete electronic solutions at the system level with an integration between different modules in consideration with reference to various technologies (like, microprocessors, ALUs, Image processors,

Analog and Digital Filters andCommunications Circuits

Characterization, properties, and analysis of analog filters. Buderworth, Chebyshev, and elliptic approximations. Introduction to the realization of LC one- and two-port circuits; Darlington's method. Active elements such as gyrators and generalized impedance converters, and their representation by singular elements. Design of high-performance, low-sensitivity active filters. The course includes a

Analog Integrated Circuit Design

The Course teaches methods used in the design and analysis of analog integrated circuits, illustrating how to approach design problems in general, and exposing the students to a broad cross-section of analog circuit topologies. The course focuses on learning design through carrying out design projects. Design and implementation details of wide-band amplifiers, operational amplifiers, continuous

Analysis and Design of Analog Circuits

The course introduces the student to the fundamentals of the analysis and design of basic analog circuits. Topics include: operational amplifier design, basic amplifier feedback theory, frequency stability and compensation, dc bias calculations and circuits, MOSFET and BJT large- and small-signal device models, small-signal gain and frequency response characteristics of amplifiers, large-signal

Analysis and Design of Digital Circuits

Overview of digital logic design. Implementation technologies, Timing in combinational and sequential circuits, basic arithmetic units, EDA tools, introduction to simulation and synthesis using VHDL.

Antenna and Propagation

Introduction to the fundamentals of wave propagation and antenna theory and design. The course covers the theory of radiation, fundamental antenna parameters and concepts, wire antennas such as dipoles and loop antennas, antenna arrays, aperture antennas, microstrip antennas, numerical analysis, and practical configurations in communication and radar systems.

Applied Electromagnetics

This course builds upon the electric and magnetic field foundations established in the fundamentals of electromagnetics course to describe devices and phenomena in which electromagnetic waves are a central issue. Topics include: review of Maxwell’s equations, propagation of uniform plane waves in lossless and lossy media, energy conservation as described by the Poynting Theorem, reflection and

Communications Design Lab

Lab activities that complement the ECEN 331 and ECEN 462 courses. The lab covers the fundamental elements of communications systems hardware; use of measurement instruments typically encountered in communication systems, analog and digital communication systems including; Amplitude Modulation types and demodulation, angle modulation and demodulation, sampling and quantization, and Pulse code

Communications Networks

Basic techniques for modeling and analyzing communication networks. Topics include overview telephone and cellular, and computer networks, layered network architectures and models, protocol specification and correctness, queuing models, loss networks, multi-class queues and scheduling, graph-based and flow-based routing, and congestion control.

Compiler Construction

Overview of compilers and context-free languages, top-down parsing, LL(1) parser construcTon, translation grammars, implementation of lexical analyzer, parser and translator, compiler optimization, error handling, and recovery.

Computer Systems Software

Basics of assembly language programming. Macros. System stack and procedure calls. Techniques for writing assembly language programs. The features of IA-32 based PC will be used. Interfaces between high-level languages and assembly codes will be discussed.

Digital Communications

The course introduces the fundamentals of digital signaling, information theory and coding, digital transmission and reception. Topics include sampling and time-division multiplexing, baseband digital signals and systems, pulse code modulation, error control, digital modulation systems, information measure and source encoding, and introduction to spread spectrum communications.

Digital Integrated Circuit Design

This course is intended to provide the student with IC design experience. The emphasis is on the IC design process as a whole. The aim is to reach an optimal design through oprimization of a number of variables ranging from the choice of architecture to the details of the IC layout. Typical performance criteria of the design are: throughput, power, signal-to-noise ratio, clock frequency, and

Digital Signal Processing

The course addresses the mathematics, implementation, design and application of the digital signal processing algorithms used in areas such as multimedia telecommunications and speech and image processing. Topics include discrete-time signals and systems, discrete-time Fourier transforms, Z- transforms and fast Fourier transform, digital filter design and implementation, and multi-rate signal