
Nile University’s Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Management Program Achieves (NAQAAE) Accreditation
Nile University has obtained accreditation for its Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Management Program from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education in Egypt (NAQAAE), effective for five years from September 25, 2024. Dr. Wael Akl, the university president, praised the faculty and staff for their contributions to this achievement, which boosts the program's reputation and aligns it with international standards. This accreditation underscores the university's dedication to academic excellence and practical research, establishing it as a top option for

Nile University’s Mechanical Engineering program Achieves (NAQAAE) Accreditation
Nile University has successfully secured accreditation for its Mechanical Engineering program from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education in Egypt (NAQAAE), valid for five years starting September 25, 2024. Dr. Wael Akl, the university's president, praised the contributions of faculty and staff in achieving this milestone. The program is also seeking international accreditation from ABET, with an evaluation visit scheduled for November 2024. This accreditation highlights the university's commitment to high educational standards and its goal of addressing

Be a Civil Engineer for a Day Workshop
The Civil and Construction Engineering program at Nile University hosted a unique workshop titled "Be a Civil Engineer for a Day." The event aimed to provide high school students with an exciting glimpse into civil engineering through interactive and hands-on experiments. With over 100 applications received, predominantly from STEM and international school students, the workshop offered a range of engaging activities. Participants tackled the Spaghetti Tower Challenge, where they designed and built stable towers using uncooked spaghetti and glue, exploring structural and load distribution

Thesis Defense – Ahmed Hosney Abdel-Gawad
The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Nile University cordially invites you to attend the thesis defense of the graduate student Ahmed Hosney Abdel-Gawad, who is pursuing a Master of Science degree in Microelectronics System Design, and the thesis title is: "Verification of Machine Learning/Deep Learning Based Pedestrian Detectors" The seminar will be conducted on 5/20/2024, at 3:30:00 PM in Room S44 - UB2. Online Meeting Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzIzZjI2Y2YtMWU5ZC00YWE4LWEwNzItMTdhNzE4YzM3OWY1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222b773d99

The First Egyptian to Receive the IEEE Prestigious Scholarship
Mohamed Hany, the first Egyptian to receive the IEEE prestigious scholarship, is a sophomore student in the Electronics & Computer Engineering program at Nile University, and we are proud to announce that he received the IEEE MTT-S undergraduate/pre-graduate scholarship award (Cycle 1 - 2024). The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) grants up to 12 scholarships in two competition cycles organized in April and October to undergraduate/pre-graduate students. These scholarships aim to support students in pursuing their research interests and future careers in the field of

Zeyad Yassien Awarded a Scholarship from Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte
Zeyad Yassien our senior Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering student has been awarded a scholarship for his last semester Spring 2024 - an exchange program at Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte (Riga Technical University) in Latvia through Erasmus+.